
Wind Energy in Spain:

Wind Energy Teaching/Learning Resources


The weekend of April 8th is when we plan to visit Zaragoza and the region around it. I found a world map of wind farms that makes it easy to find wind farms distributed across Spain and particularly near Zaragoza. The entire region of Aragon is a major wind power development area and there are a number of small and large wind farms in the area. La Muela is a village a few km SW of Zaragoza and is an enormous intallation. There is some local chatter about a black bull sculpture that is somewhere in the area and is the symbol of a regional? spirits manufacturer. Also tripped over an article describing the conviction of the Mayor of La Muela for corruption (along with many cronies) - she was an ardent wind power booster but I don’t know if there is a connection between the two. We are planning to visit the Civil War ruins of Belchite SE of Zaragoza and there are a number of smaller installations along the road (just N of Mediana de Aragon on 222) to Belchite and just E of the ruined town. A little further out the road east of Belchite I stumbled over a large tracking solar farm that would be worth going to see.
